The Gift of Rejection in Community

By Nikki Evanson

Nikki Evanson is a grateful believer in Jesus Christ, who loves the Lord so much. She is a wife and mother and is excited to walk out in the calling God has given her: to share her story and glorify His name.


I felt utterly devastated by the rejection I experienced in my attempts to find a new Christian community after a move. It left me sorrowful, lonely, and hopeless. I tried to open up my heart to others for a new community, but I couldn’t get the partnership and response I desired. I felt vulnerable and completely abandoned.  

In the past, Christian community had given me the ability to share and journey with others in my struggles. It had given me the help I needed at times to see Truth and experience hope. Community was essential to aid in my growth, improve my well-being as a believer, and allow me to feel seen, known, heard, and loved. It felt hard not having the love and support of other women. Not having that in this new season felt impossible to bear and made me feel that Jesus didn’t see me, and my pain of feeling rejected.  

Have you had struggles in finding community or connecting with others and felt rejected?

In these times of being alone and in my rejection, I depended more on Jesus. Leaning on Jesus led me to develop a new perspective of community, which provided the growth I desired and allowed me to move forward, knowing that Jesus always saw me.

Ephesians 1:22-23 tells us: “And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.”

In the absence of community, Jesus met my heart in my rejection with words that settled my deep needs and desires for community and soothed the pain. He showed me that I should put nothing above him in my walk. He is our everything: great sustainer, counselor, healer, redeemer, and friend. I needed to solely rely on my relationship with Jesus for the needs I felt should be met by a community. 

As the months went on, He did provide a community that helped bolster me in him, but he remained in his rightful place in my heart. I now saw community as a gift, not a necessity. 

Whatever community may look like in this season for you, Jesus is the ultimate sustainer; he meets you in those places of need and provides. He sees you and loves you: always. You are never rejected by Jesus, as he longs to be with you and hear from you. His comfort and love are what we ultimately need.

Let’s press into Jesus at all times. Put him rightly in his place as first in your life, and enjoy community as a gift, knowing that nothing can replace his stewardship and presence. 


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